Preventing a Lockout

It isn’t uncommon to experience a lockout situation at some point in your life. This is a common occurrence and we should know at Mobile Locksmith Winnetka because we are called on to help with this situation every day. This is just one of the many things that can frustrate almost anyone. It is such an unexpected thing that you can’t help getting upset when it happens to you. This often occurs at the most inconvenient time, when we are in a hurry. This is what makes the problem even worse. As long as our Winnetka, Illinois locksmith service is around, you don’t have anything to worry about. However, if this has happened to you one too many times, perhaps it will help you to find out what you can do to prevent this from happening to you.

Increase the Life of Your Locks

If you have good locks, you can prevent a lockout. Some of the pins may lock and this is when you’ll experience trouble with the key working. Spraying a silicone spray into the lock might resolve the problem. If you have tried this and the problem still exist, you can call for a locksmith to inspect the problem. If a locksmith notice any type of grinding with the locks, they’ll use a silicone-based lubricant. Treating your door with a lubricant several times a day will help prolong your locks.

Your keys can also be a problem. When you have very old keys that you have been using for years, this can cause a problem. If you use the same key several times a day, it might be necessary to replace the key. You might not even notice your keys are becoming old and worn until you are unable to get inside your home or car. Even then you might not consider that the problem is due to your key. If you don’t, you may never look at the key but only assume that the problem is due to the lock. Instead, keep this in mind the next time you are having trouble with your lock and find yourself locked out.

Be very careful when your key is stuck in the door. Do not jerk the key out and make the problem worse. When you jerk the key out you could strip the lock, causing more damage. Even worse, you could break the key off in the door. We advise you to slow down so that you can think logically. The most logical thing to do might be to simply contact a locksmith who will be able to safely remove the lock for you.

When called upon to get a broken key out of the door, they will use a flathead screwdriver to pry it out. If you do not have the skills to do this, it is better if you leave it to the trained professionals. They know exactly what is needed to handle the job. However, if you are determined to handle the problem on your own, we suggest you use a needle-nose plier, which will allow you to slowly remove the piece from inside the lock. Even after you are able to remove the part of the key that broke off in the lock, contact our services to make sure the lock isn’t damaged. If the lock is damaged, it should be replaced with a new lock. Don’t take any chances. Also, if you do not want to experience this problem again, it’s best to let one of our locksmiths evaluate the lock once the key piece as been removed.

Have Spare Keys Made

This is one of the most practical ways to prevent being locked out for too long. Let’s face it. We all have experienced something that brings us a great deal of frustration. Being locked out is no exception. If you have a spare key made but can’t locate the person with the key, it is of no good to you. This is why we highly encourage you to have more than one spare key made to ensure that you can receive the help you need when you need it the most. A spare key should only be given to someone that you know and trust will be available to bring it to you when you need them.

Never Break Out a Window

The one thing we strongly discourage you from doing is breaking out a window in your home, business or car. This is something that will undoubtedly make the problem worse than it currently is. If someone is watching you they may attempt to do the same thing to gain access when you are not around and no one is looking. Breaking a window is not a solution to your lockout problem!

Never Be Locked Out Again

The best way to avoid being locked out again is to have a keyless lock installed at your home, car or business. This means that the key isn’t necessary, the only thing you’ll need is a code to enter into the keypad. The only time you’ll be locked out is if you have forgotten your key and on the rare occasion that there is something wrong with the wiring of your system. In this case, one of our qualified locksmiths can come to your aid and get you back inside your car by fixing any wiring issues they might find.

Routine Maintenance

Lock maintenance is important to making sure they are always in good working condition. When you have properly working locks, it minimizes your chances of being locked out. Over time locks become worn and dated. When this happens, they become less effective. Regular maintenance is sure to help you minimize the chances of this happening to you. It also saves you time and frustration when you are having routine maintenance performed on your locks. Just consider how much time you waste being stranded and the level of frustration associated with it and we’re sure you’ll see the benefits of routine lock maintenance.